
Frequently Asked Questions

I Applied
Now What?

After you have submitted your form, you will be sent a copy of the ACTION Coalition booklet that explains the purpose of the coalition and how it works.

You will also be emailed or called by one of the Action Coalition members to set up a time via Skype or telephone to further discuss the coalition and your possible involvement.



Are You A

ACTION Coalition is a part of the Pastoral Leadership Development area of Action International, Inc., which is a 501(c)(3) religious non profit corporation.

You may visit the website of ACTION International at

What Are The Criteria Used To Establish A Coalition In Any Given Country?

ACTION Coalition prayerfully considers every opportunity where God opens the door to begin a coalition. A national leader from that country and place is essential to make the coalition effective.  As the Lord leads and provides both the leadership and finances, we are looking to begin a coalition in a country and place where there is not any other way that pastors are begin taught the Word of God.
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Which Countries Does ACTION Coalition Represent?

Each coalition consists of two parts. The North American Coalition consists of pastors and other Christian leaders/teachers from the United States and Canada.

The International Coalition consists of pastors and other Christian leaders/teachers from the country and place that the North American Coalition is helping train national pastors.

How Often Does The Coalition Meet?

We meet about every four to six weeks via phone conference at a predetermined date and time. At these phone conference meetings we discuss, plan and pray for the national pastors, the conferences, one another and the continued development of ACTION Coalition.

What Are Mentor Groups &
How Do They Work?

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ACTION Coalition North America trains national pastors to lead and conduct weekly Mentor Groups.  These groups consist of 3-12 national pastors and each national Mentor Group Leader facilitates the activities below:

  • Train national pastors to study and grow in their understanding and application of God’s Word.
  • National pastors will then train others in his congregation that which he has learned through preaching, teaching and exemplifying the Word of God.
  • National pastors encourage and hold each other accountable to study and meet established personal goals, as well as praying for one another.
  • National pastors invite other pastors and church leaders to join their mentor group for training.
  • Mentor groups are multiplied as other national pastors are equipped to lead their own groups.