*For current Mentor\Teachers Only*

We are blessed to meet regularly to pray for the needs of our ministries and praise Him for what He is doing. Our PLD and AC Mentor/Teacher prayer and share times are always very encouraging.

But when we are not able to make one or more of these special times together, how do we know how to pray for one another? In addition, many Mentor/Teachers are not able to attend any online meeting when we meet because they must work to support their families, or may have other ministry responsibilities.

This is why we are asking every Mentor/Teacher to take a few minutes (on the 1 st of every month) to complete this online form and email it back to us. This will assist us in knowing how to praise the Lord for what He is doing as well as how to pray for you and your ministry.

Please note that we will always continue to be available any time if you need to give us a call – and, of course, we will continue to call you, too!

This is just an additional tool designed to enhance our communication with one another. Thank you for
your help in letting us know how things are going in your ministry –and most important, giving us the latest praise and prayer needs.


Complete this form for a each leader you are mentoring and the country they are in.