Basic Steps To Getting Started
Step 1
Contact Us
Contact a pastor who is currently involved with Action Coalition (fill out form at the bottom of this page)
Step 2
Join Our Next
In order for you to get a better understanding of the coalition, we want to invite you to join us for our next coalition teleconference. We meet every 4-6 weeks to plan and discuss trips to our current focused countries of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar. When you talk to Walt or Bruce, you will be given the date and time for the next coalition teleconference.
Step 3
Become A Part
Of ACTION Coalition
As the Lord leads, we want to encourage you to become a regular part of the Coalition. We will email an information application for you to complete and send back to us. Then we will have a follow up teleconference with you to answer any questions you may have about your involvement with ACTION Coalition.