You will be guided through an orientation in preparation before you start training national pastors. Also you will be given the opportunity to participate in training sessions already taking place.
Relationship Building
Relationship building with the national pastors to serve them and Christ’s work and calling in the lives. Take time to get to know the pastor(s) being trained, their personal needs and ministry challenges and joys with times of prayer and worship of the Lord Jesus Christ together. Being available for prayer and encouragement between scheduled appointments.
Encourage & Inspire
Providing encouragement and inspiration to participate in God’s heart and vision for the world.
Pastors being trained often become discouraged and want to give up. It is vital for you as their trainer/mentor to encourage and provide guidance. And to remind them with testimonies and Scriptures of God’s heart and vision for the world.
Inspire them by identifying the gifts God has given them and ways God is using and wants to use them in His eternal work for the glory of Christ.
Teach The Bible
Teach Biblical lessons starting with foundational truths of Scripture. These truths include:
Salvation from sin
Reconciliation with God through faith in Jesus Christ
Multiplying disciples to Christ (not just additions)
The authority of Scripture
Stewardship/ Finances.
These lessons are provided for you online to teach from and use in coaching national leaders.
Lessons are then provided for teaching based upon the relevant needs of the national leaders related to doctrine, spiritual life, relationships and ministry.
Train Well
Training and equipping through Bible study discussions times identifying and sharing specific application “to be and do” in life and ministry.
Also a time of empowerment by letting them teach what they have learned from the Bible discussion time with your coaching and encouragement.
During your time with the national pastor(s) there will be a time of reporting (peer accountability) on the application to life and ministry from the previous meeting.
Multiplying, reproducing disciples to Jesus Christ. After a period of time those you have train will be able to carry on the work of the ministry of training other to: Multiply Disciples, Train Pastors and Make Christ Known Worldwide.